A delicate machinery, resembling a perpetual clock, pulls a children's tricycle in a circle. The mechanism is designed to vary the tricycle’s radius. Within this space, the performer writes his spontaneously arising thoughts in chalk on the floor, spirally and counterclockwise.
The inevitable encounters, prompt the writer to step aside, making room for the tricycle to pass by, steadily moving clockwise. This dynamic develops a progression in which disturbance transforms itself into dance.
Meanwhile the rubber tires of the tricycle gradually erase what has been written. What first was readable, slowly disappears in a mist of chalk.

In this atmosphere, bystanders have the opportunity to observe, walk alongside, and gauge themselves in the reflections that gradually surface.
In the wake of what's happening, an interaction develops where inside)outside experience each other. An interaction between writing / reading and reading / reading. Performer, audience and time listen to each other's resonance in an attempt to grasp the coherence of this moment in time and space, translating it into personal sense.
Visitors can even interrupt the writer. By stepping aside, the writer temporarily creates space to jointly investigate what is happening.
In this collectively constructed acoustics, there is an opportunity for resonance to grow into a shared experience.

Anyway: Within the concept of this performance, the artistic process itself takes the opportunity to go its own way.
In fact, there is no beginning or end to the performance. As an ongoing process,